“What’s in a Frame?”
Turn a simple frame into an artistic statement to match any statement or holiday décor. Discover creative ways to frame your expressions, whether they are photos, artwork, or a single monogram.
This Fantastic SEW EZ Bundle Includes:
- Project CD Containing TWO "What's in a Frame" Projects
- 6 Beautiful Floriani Embroidery Designs
- Wet N Stick Cutaway 12” x 10 yards
- Heat N Sta Tearaway 12” x 10 yards
- Press N Bond 15 – 8” x 11” sheets
- Floriani Polyester Thread - 6 Cones Kitted for Project 1,000M Cones
- PF534
- PF501
- PF378
- PF273
- PF232
- PF103
Also includes step-by-step instructions on creating elegant monogramming in a frame. Easily turn an everyday frame into a family heirloom.
Retail Value: $219.00
MSRP: $169.00