Jenny Haskins Fabricadabra Special Edition CD
This Special Edition Design CD includes all the designs and complete directions (along with colored step-by-step pictures and directions) to make Simon's latest quilt - Fabricadabra.
This glorious quilt is made entirely of embroidered strips emulating fabric, which are then pieced into quilt blocks - a unique technique that is firstly embroidered and pieced so the quilt is total made of embroidered fabric. Using the Fabricadabra deisngs Simon has taken embroidered quilts to a whole new level by including a 1/4in seam allowace in each embroidery design, a unique technique that Simon developed which we call Magic Seams.
Simply place the ruler just below the 1/4in seam line and cut on the stitch line to achieve and exact 1/4in seam allowance. You cannot get embroidery and cutting much easier than that! FABRICADABRA is a Jenny and Simon Haskins Special Edition Project Bases design CD that is a must for all embroiders who love a new challenge and easy enough for the brand new embroiderer.