Sandy's Oriental Express Special Edition CD

If you have never made a quilt and always said you wanted to – then Sandy’s Oriental Express SPECIAL EDITION design CD and quilt is the one for you!
This is such an easy quilt with all the embroidery on the quilt being created using Jenny’s Embroidered Decoupage® technique. (This technique can be seen on Jenny’s Get Creative with Jenny Haskins DVD and the free DVD that comes with When Dreams Flower book.) Simply embroider all the designs needed to make Sandy’s Oriental Express as free standing designs then invisibly applique them onto the quilt blocks. You cannot get much easier than this!
Also view the Sandy’s Oriental Express video as Jenny guides you step-by-step so you can join Sandy on your Oriental Express Journey.
Download the Orient Express Video (82 MB)
NOTE: The viewing time of this video is around 20 minutes, so may take some time to download (right-click and select "save target as"). Please be patient. If you have a slow internet service then it is suggested that you download Sandy's Oriental Express Video at night and leave your computer running.
The COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS and ALL EMBROIDERY DESIGNS needed to make Sandy's Oriental Express Quilt are included on the CD.