Perfect Cotton Plus 15 Spool Gift Set
Quilters everywhere have fallen in love with Alex Anderson’s Quilters select line of rulers, cutting mats and battings. Now Alex is proud to add Quilters Select thread – PERFECT for hand piecing, machine quilting, embroidery and MORE!
15 Spool Gift Sets in Perfect Cotton-Plus (60wt) Available now! These are the perfect introduction gift for fans of Alex Anderson! Each comes with a Project CD with two patterns each by Alex Anderson, a $60 value for FREE!
Perfect Cotton – Plus Available in 60wt ply in 60 luscious colors of 400m spools, this thread is everything both machine and hand piecers love about sewing with Egyptian Cotton thread “plus” the added strength needed for freehand machine quilting! Just one try and you will agree it is the “Perfect Cotton” Thread!